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Tag: "Warsztaty"

Bezpłatne warsztaty dla Polaków poszukujących pracy.

Bezpłatne warsztaty dla Polaków poszukujących pracy.

The Children's Rights Workshops

The Children’s Rights Workshops

  The Children’s Rights workshops are an exploration of democracy and tolerance which will help children develop  civic participation and social responsibility. The participants take part drama activities and learn about main principles of tolerance and justice established by Polish-Jewish children’s author and educator Janusz Korczak, whose legacy became one of the inspirations behind the 1989 […]

W Polsce takie rzeczy si? po prostu wie – która szko?a filmowa cieszy si? renom?, gdzie wynaj?? kamer? na dzie? zdj?ciowy i jak odró?ni? agencje aktorsk? od maszynki do wy?udzania pieni?dzy. Próbuj?c swoich sil w bran?y filmowej na obczy?nie zmagamy sie z wielk? niewiadom? i szukaniem po omacku. Pomimo tego, Irlandia zdaje si? sprzyja? polskim […]

Liderzy z misj?

Liderzy z misj?

Pierwszy dzwonek w Szkole Liderów Forum Polonia Kiedy zgo?a pó? wieku temu Martin Luther King og?osi?, i? „ma Marzenie”, za charyzmatycznym liderem ruszy?y miliony, daj?c drog? prawdziwej rewolucji i setkom ruchów antyrasistowskich. I cho? wy?niona wizja Luthera Kinga wci?? czeka na ca?kowite dope?nienie, droga ku jej realizacji zmieni?a ?ycie wielu pokole?, daj?c im wolno?? i […]

<!--:en-->Mosaic workshop<!--:--><!--:pl-->Warsztaty ceramiki artystycznej<!--:-->

Mosaic workshopWarsztaty ceramiki artystycznej

[:pl]Towarzystwo Irlandzko-Polskie zaprasza na warsztaty ceramiki artystycznej.

W niedziel? 14 czerwca od godz.14 do 17
Dom Polski

Zaj?cia na poziomie pocz?tkuj?cym

Warsztaty b?dzie prowadzi? znana w Irlandii artystka sztuki ceramicznej – Orla Kaminska Knight.
Mosaic workshop with talented Ceramic Artist Orla Kaminska – Knight
Sunday 14th June 2-5 p.m.

A 12 inch decorative mosaic pieces will be made by each participant. Ceramics ,Decorative Glass, and Glass Beads will be used. This beautiful, individual and artistic work of art can be hung in the home or given as a personal gift. The workshop is for adults and teenagers.

Cost: Members E. 20. None members E.30 (Euro) All materials will be included in the cost. This workshop is subsidised by IPS

Venue: The Polish House; 20 Fitzwilliam Place.
Places are limited. For booking & enquires please ring Marysia on 087 6853452 by Friday 5th June 2009

<!--:en-->Mosaic workshop with talented Ceramic Artist Orla Kaminska Knight<!--:-->

Mosaic workshop with talented Ceramic Artist Orla Kaminska Knight

A 3 – 4 hour workshop is planned for a Sunday afternoon in June (date to be confirmed, time approximately starting at 2 pm) A 10-12 inch decorative mosaic pieces will be made by each participant, Ceramics and Decorative Glass, and Glass Beads will be used. This beautiful, individual and artistic work of art can be hung in the home or given as a personal gift. The workshop is for adults and teenagers.

The approximate cost will be in the range of E. 22- 32 (Euro) All materials will be included in the cost. Discount rates for IPS members. The venue will be in The Polish House; 20 Fitzwilliam Place.

Your health is Your wealth

Your health is Your wealth

To mark 20th anniversary World Aids Day on 1st of December 2008, Cairde’s health promotions students would like to take this opportunity to invite you to participate on a Sexual Health Promotion Workshop.

The workshop will explore sexual ill health and identify best practice in promoting sexual health in our communities.

[lang_en]Workshop for immigrants about local community radio[/lang_en][lang_pl]Warsztaty dla radiowców[/lang_pl]

[lang_en]Workshop for immigrants about local community radio[/lang_en][lang_pl]Warsztaty dla radiowców[/lang_pl]

Ignaki Irigoien is organizing a workshop on behalf of the (radio section) of the Community Media Forum which is part of the Dublin Community Forum.

The workshop will be directed at immigrants involved in the different Dublin community radio stations, and those immigrants who want to get involved in community radio.

The Agenda proposed for this meeting would be:

– Introduction
– How to get involved
– Learning from each other
– Getting your programme played citywide
– A temporary multi-multicultural licence

We are hoping to organize the workshop on a Saturday morning (lunch provided) probably at the end of the moth of November, 29th.

Cork: warsztaty dziennikarskie w Polskiej Szkole

Cork: warsztaty dziennikarskie w Polskiej Szkole

W sobot?, 11 pa?dziernika, w ramach kampanii ”MAMA, TATA… & MYSELF?” w Polskiej Szkole w Cork oby?y si? warsztaty dziennikarskie dla m?odzie?y. Warsztaty poprowadzili dziennikarze ze Stowarzyszenia MyCork. W trakcie warsztatów, w których wzi??o udzia? ok. 40 uczniów, m?odzie? zosta?a podzielona na 6 grup i dosta?a za zadanie napisanie reporta?u na podstawie zdj?? z otwarcia […]