Training on the Integration Guide for Immigrant Youth and Parents

Date/Time: 17th of December 2009 from 10am to 12:30pm (followed by a light lunch)

Venue: Ozanam House, 53 Mountjoy Square West, Dublin 1, (map and directions below)

Integrating Ireland has developed an Integration Guide for secondary school aged immigrant youth, their parents (from outside the EU) and those who work with them. This guide consists of different sections and includes information and links to resources on education, language, youth work, community and family life as well as discrimination and racism in Ireland.

You are invited to attend this training event on the contents and use of the guide.

This invitation extends to all Integrating Ireland member groups and other organisations that work with or will be working with immigrant groups, particularly young people and parents (e.g. youth organisations).

The aim of this training is to introduce practitioners to the Youth Integration Induction Guide and prepare them to use it effectively.  Sessions will be interactive, depending on each group’s interests and will follow this general agenda:

  1. Background, advantages and objectives of Guide
  2. Overview of Guide
  3. How to use resources which help facilitate integration
  4. How to enable young people/ parents to use the Guide

This training is free of charge. Travel expenses will be reimbursed (public transport only unless justified in cases where not possible) on the production of original receipt. Childcare expenses can be covered if an official childminding service (i.e.crèche) is used and receipt is produced. Please contact me in advance if you need childcare expenses reimbursed.

To book your place, please RSVP by the 7th of December 2009 to:

Jana Weidhaase (Youth Officer), or 01-6453070/-91