Już niedługo ruszy po raz trzeci program Opening Power to Diversity! Wszystkim zanteresowanym funkcjonowaniem irladzkiego systemu politycznego przypominamy, że termin składania aplikacji mija 18 stycznia! Program potrwa sześć miesięcy od kwietnia 2013 roku.

Program Opening Power to Diversity, który został niedawno objęty patronatem przez premiera Irlandii, skierowany jest do migrantów wolontariuszy zainteresowanych irlandzką polityką. Jest on prowadzony przez CrossCare Migrant Project. W okresie sześciu miesięcy, począwszy od kwietnia 2013 migranci będa mogli zdobyć wyjątkowe i cenne doświadczenie oraz wiedzę o tym w jaki sposób irlandzki system polityczny funkcjonuje w praktyce poprzez współpracę oraz asystowanie posłom irlandzkiego parlamentu w ich codziennej pracy.

Szczegółowe informacje poniżej w języku angielskim:

The Opening Power to Diversity scheme which was recently endorsed by the Taoiseach, will match volunteer migrants with a number of TDs. Over a six month period, beginning in April 2013 migrants will get a unique and valuable experience and insight into how politics works in Ireland by observing and assisting the TD in his/her daily work.
Role Description: The migrant participant will follow the work of the TD during the day and participate in the activities of his/her office. Migrants will use their skills while getting involved in the TD’s activities. They will attend various meetings with TDs and observe at Committee meetings and Dáil sessions. Migrants will also get involved in the work of the TD’s office at Leinster House and constituency level. Migrants will also be expected to keep a weekly written or video diary of their experiences and input into CMP’s policy team at the end of the scheme. Orientation and on-going support will be provided by CMP.
Time commitment: Two days a week over a six month period, excluding time spent on the diary. The six month period will start in April 2013.

Applicant requirements: The initiative is focused on non-EEA nationals[i] or non-EEA nationals who have recently become Irish citizens.

Essential: Applicants will need to be good written and verbal communicators. It is also essential that applicants have an interest in politics at some level. Reliability and commitment to the aims of the scheme are essential along with an ability to work well under pressure and an ability to use initiative. An ability to work well in a team is also essential.

Desirable: Skills and/or experience in the following areas would be desirable: Research, community work, office administration, Information Technology, any relevant educational or work experience related to politics. Particular subject expertise or interests may also be relevant.

Application process: Please e-mail your CV as an attachment to Sophie O’Brien at


with an attached letter of application that includes an answer to the following question: Why do you want to participate in the Opening Power to Diversity scheme? Max 300 words. Please include details of references.
There is no financial remuneration for participation in this scheme and there is no expectation of paid employment with the TD at the end of the six month placement. The placements will start in April 2013.
For more information on the OPD scheme, testimonials of participating migrants and endorsements from both the Taoiseach and Tánaiste see this link: http://www.livinginireland.ie/en/opening_power/

Closing date for applications: Friday January 18th 2013
