Dear Sir or Madam,
we would like to invite you to attend the Second Eastern European Business Forum that will take place on November 22-23, 2008, at 11 am in Dublin City University organised in partnership with Institute of Minority Entrepreneurship (DIT) and National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism (NCCRI) within its Intercultural Dialogue Week.
First Forum proved to be a success and we received a lot of requests to run the Forum again this year. You can find all information on the last Forum as well as presentations on You can also register for the upcoming forum online.
The main objectives of this Forum are to enhance communication of Eastern European existing and emerging businesses with state structures and local businesses and by this to encourage people to pursue their ideas and initiatives; demonstrate the ways entrepreneurs can avail of support, training, information, advice, funding, etc. We hope it will serve the general purpose of better integration of Eastern European community into Irish society.
First forum took place on April 12, 2008, and proved to be a success. The main theme of the first forum was “Starting your own business”. Now we are moving on so the topic of this forum will be growing your business. First day of the Forum will involve four seminars on the topics that, according to the feedback received after the first Forum, are of interest for the participants. Seminars are run by representatives of various business support structures and involved 30-40 minutes presentation and Q&A section. Each seminar can accommodate about 40 participants. Seminars will be held in separate smaller rooms on Saturday, November 22.
The topics of the first forum were: financing, small business support, business planning, networking and communications. Seminars suggested for this Forum are:
It transpired from the feedback received after the first forum, most participants wanted more time for networking and communication. For this reason, we decided to combine the forum with the exhibition of Eastern European businesses and those providing services to Eastern European community. It will take place on Sunday, November 23, 2008. There will also be round tables on various topics of interest. The following round tables are suggested to run during the exhibition, though these topics might change slightly depending on the interests of participants and availability of presenters:
Success stories to encourage starting entrepreneurs, as well as challenges encountered by EE entrepreneurs in Ireland - FRANCHISING POSSIBILITIES:
Some of the EE entrepreneurs are successfully running franchised businesses, they are prepared to share their experiences with input by the Franchising Association - LOCAL COUNCIL ELECTIONS:
Eastern European Business Forum is actively taking part in local election campaign and is closely working with the Dublin City Council. So, we decided run round table on the local elections so that people can find out why to vote, how to vote, and can register if they decide to do so - RENEWABLE ENERGY:
This topic came up in the feedback from the previous Forum few times so we will try to cover that in the upcoming Forum - MASS MEDIA RELATIONS:
How to maintain relations with mass media; advertising; PR; etc.
We are also planning to present the results of the Survey of Russian Speaking Migrants in Ireland run by the Irish-Russian Enterprise Centre (IREC).
For registration, additional information on participation and sponsorship and for all other inquiries please feel free to contact us on or tel: 01-8740004, fax: 01-8740404, mobile: 086-0858364, web: (online registration available).
Yours Sincerely,
Sergey Tarutin
Ilia Korolev