kinopolisThis year Kinopolis- the 4th Annual Polish Film Festival, will take place on Oct 22 – 26 in the Cineworld Cinema (Parnell St., D1).

You will have a chance to see 13 outstanding Polish films, many of them being the most recent achievements in Polish cinematography.

The festival will open with the screening of Little Moscow, the winner of Golden Lions at the 2008 Polish Film Festival in Gdynia (Poland).

The audience will also have a chance to meet a world-renowned film director Agnieszka Holland and an outstanding young actor Maciej Stuhr.

The festival will conclude with the Cinema of Historic Transition, a film retrospective commemorating  the 20th anniversary of the defeat of communism and the re-birth of democracy in Poland, each screening preceded by a short history introduction.

Kinopolis- Polish Film Festival is organised by the Polish Film Institute, the Pomeranian Film Foundation and the Embassy of Poland in Dublin in cooperation with the Cineworld Cinema.

The tickets will be available from the Cineworld box office ( from Friday, Oct 9.

The festival coordinator Klementyna (

We wish you a delicious feast of film!!


4th Annual Polish Film Festival

22th – 26th October 2009

Thursday, 22nd Oct

  • 8.00pm – Gala opening of KINOPOLIS: Little Moscow / Ma?a Moskwa (2008), dir. Waldemar Krzystek

Public interview with the film director after the screening

Friday, 23rd Oct

  • 8 pm – Four nights with Anna / Cztery noce z Ann? (2008), dir. Jerzy Skolimowski

Saturday, 24th Oct

  • Through the eyes of a woman: Saturday with Agnieszka Holland

3 pm – Europe, Europe / Europa, Europa (1990)

5.10 pm – Total Eclipse / Ca?kowite Za?mienie (1995)

7.20 pmCopying Beethoven / Kopia Mistrza (2006)

Public interview with Agnieszka Holland after the last screening

Sunday, 25th Oct

  • In Four Acts: Sunday with Maciej Stuhr

1.40 pm – Decalogue X / Dekalog: X (1988), dir. Krzysztof Kie?lowski

3pm – Foundation / Fundacja, (2006), dir. F. Bajon

5.10 pm – Strawberry Wine / Wino Truskawkowe (2009), re?. Dariusz Jab?o?ski

7.20 pm – 33 scenes from life / 33 sceny z ?ycia (2008), dir. Ma?gorzata Szumowska

Public interview with Maciej Stuhr after the last screening

Monday, 26th Oct

  • Polish Cinema of Historic Transition

– celebrating the 20th anniversary of defeat of communism in Poland

1.30 pm – Man of Iron / Cz?owiek z ?elaza (1981), dir. Andrzej Wajda

4.30 pm – 300 miles to Heaven / 300 mil do nieba (1989), dir. Maciej Dejczer

6.40 pm – Death as a Slice of Bread / ?mier? jak kromka chleba (1994), dir. Kazimierz Kutz

9.20 pm – Escape from the „Liberty” Cinema / Ucieczka z kina „Wolno??” (1990), dir. Wojciech Marczewski
