Mixed Technique Encounters

19th September – 27th September 2009

Polish and Irish artists will run one- and two-day workshops on various creative topics including theatre, improvised music, DJ – mixing music and visual arts.

If you would like to gain some new skills, refresh and develop your creativity, meet new people sharing similar interests, and to spend a day or more in a creative and international environment, do not miss this event!

The workshop series will close up with an experimental performance based on the play “A Couple of Poor, Polish-Speaking Romanians” by Dorota Mas?owska. “Experimental” means in this context that the performance will only be prepared during the two-day theatre workshop and 4 days rehearsals. It sounds and it is risky, but NO RISK NO ART!!!

The number of participants per workshop is limited!!!

Web: www.artpolonia.org

Mail: sapielak@artpolonia.org
