Janusz Onyszkiewicz will share his memories and impressions from the struggle against the Communist regime in the 1980s, the Round Table Talks in which he took part, first free Polish elections and the first years of Polish democracy.
Janusz Onyszkiewicz was a leading “Solidarity” figure, a spokesperson for the “Solidarity” movement under Communism who, after 1989, served as Minister of Defence and as a leading Polish MEP.

The meeting will be moderated by Dr Jacqueline Hayden, a former RTÉ journalist and a distinguished academic whose main field of expertise is Poland’s political transformation. Dr. Hayden has conducted hundreds of interviews on the topic in Poland since the early 1980s, for which she was awarded the Order of Merit by the President of Poland.
Polish Tourist Organisation will distribute information materials inviting to Poland. Brochures on various cities and regions will be provided. The talk is free and open to the public and will be conducted in English.

Tue, 13.05.2014, 6:30pm, The Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin
