The Minister for Equality, Integration and Human Rights, Mary White TD, today,
January 18th, chaired a meeting of the Inter-Departmental Group on Integration.
The meeting was convened to discuss the output of the inaugural meetings of the
Ministerial Council on Integration. Representatives from nine Departments/offices
were present at the meeting.
Commenting on the meeting, Minister White said: “Last year, after being
appointed Minister for Integration, I implemented the commitment in the
Government’s ‘Migration Nation’ policy statement to establish a Ministerial Council
on Integration comprised of members of the public from the migrant community.
We received just under five hundred applications, from seventy-six nationalities,
for membership of the Council. The four regional councils have now had their first
meetings, which were highly engaging. Views on and experiences of integration in
Ireland were discussed and we had very enlightening discussions on a range of issues.
“One of the purposes of establishing the Ministerial Council on Integration was
to ensure Government policy-making on integration was informed by migrants’
experiences. Today I brought the views expressed at the Ministerial Council to
representatives of various Government Departments on issues such education,
enterprise, health and culture. There was meaningful engagement today and I am
confident that the relevant Departments will take theses issues into account in
formulating policy, delivering services and planning for the future. Ireland has
changed significantly over the past decade due to inward migration and policy-
making must reflect this so that we can continue to build a more equal and fully
integrated Ireland.”
Minister White concluded: “I am grateful to the various Departments for the work
they have done in the area of integration, and I hope the work emanating from the
Ministerial Council will continue to influence the work of Government Departments.”