What is the seminar about…?
The European Anti Poverty Network Ireland, with the support of the Department of Foreign Affairs, will hold a lunchtime resource seminar on Tuesday February 8th 2011 on applying for EU funding opportunities. Many community and voluntary groups have expressed concern about the difficulties of understanding and availing of sometimes complex EU funding systems. This seminar is aimed at those individuals and groups. Speakers will recommend – from their own expert experience – strategies for engaging with EU funding, how to research and submit funding applications and influence EU policy-making.

11.15am: Registration

11.30am: Opening Remarks and Context of the Event / Anna Visser

11.40am: Direct Funding Opportunities from the EU / Ronan Gingles

12.00pm: Interreg Programmes / Antoinette Jordan

12.20pm: Personal Account of Making Funding Applications

12.30pm: Group Discussions

12.50pm: Questions and Answers

1.30pm: Lunch

Who is welcome…?
Anyone with an interest in applying for EU funding opportunities is more than welcome to attend the event.

Where is it…?
Wynn’s Hotel, 35-39 Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 1.

How to attend…?
Please send your contact details to aine@eapn.ie before Friday the 4th of February if you would like to attend this event.

A small bursary may be available to support participation in this seminar.
