MyMind introduced the fifth Annual Report of MyMind, for the year ended December 31st 2010.

This report sets out the work programme of MyMind during 2010 and how we are progressing to meet our strategic objectives as set out in the current Strategic Plan for the period 2010-2013.

Krystian Fikert, as Chief Executive Officer says:

“I would like to recognise the work of the staff and volunteers of MyMind. As an organisation we have a wonderful blend of experienced and talented professionals who are fully committed to the objectives of MyMind and work hard each day towards their achievement.

This report includes extensive information and data on all aspects of our activity, including data on the number of adults and adolescents referred to our face to face and online services. The information contained in the report should be of interest to those who use the services, are involved in delivering services, reviewing services and planning the future development of mental health services in Ireland.

MyMind continues to support the development of research within the mental health services and the development of linkages between services and centres of learning. The key focus and aim of our research is to bring best practice and excellence in terms of early intervention and accessibility to mental health services in Ireland.

MyMind continues to develop Policies and Procedures for community based suicide prevention services for children and adolescents. In the current climate the development and provision of community based mental health services with a recovery based approach must be given the utmost priority.

MyMind continues to work with many stakeholders including service users and other agencies both statutory and non-statutory. We derive much support and direction for our work from these colleagues. I would like to thank them for their support in 2010.

I would like particularly to thank our colleagues in the Social Entrepreneurs Ireland and The One Foundation for their expertise and continuous support.

I would like to also mention those members of the media who continue to raise mental health issues, without this focus and support the drive to reduce stigma and bring about real change in mental health services would not advance.

As the Chief Executive Officer I would like to acknowledge the enormous contribution made to the MyMind by the members of its Advisory Group in 2010 in terms of strategy planning and rebranding.

Finally I would like to thank the Board of Directors for their work and commitment to MyMind and their support to me and my staff since my appointment.”
