The conference entitled GO to VOTE – Mobilising the Migrant Community to Vote will be held at the European Parliament Dublin, 43 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2, on Saturday 15th March  from 10:00 am to 3.00pm. 

The Objective of the seminar is to facilitate and develop strategies with Migrant community representatives in order to ensure that they mobilise the migrant community to come out and vote on Election Day.

Four Migrant led organisations, AkiDwA, Africa Centre, Forum Polonia and New Community Partnership will hold a seminar to develop strategies for mobilising the migrant population to vote. The four  organisations  also express their concerns on the need to have support in place for  immigrant’s men and women that have declared  intension of running for local election,  to ensure they get elected.

AkidwaThe seminar is a follow up to a conference that was held by the organisations in October last year on Democratic Participation of Immigrants in Ireland. Participants at this conference acknowledged the importance of involving immigrants into political and civic life in Ireland as the 2011 census clearly indicated that 12% of the Irish population are immigrants. Many immigrants are involved in religious and community organisations but have yet to see their involvement represented in the political realm in Ireland.

Date: 15th of March
Time: 10:00am – 3.00pm
Venue: 43 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2

Please RSVP to or call Egide Dhala at 01-8349851 

Project and event Supported By Dublin City Council and European Parliament Office in Dublin.