Dear Sirs,

It’s an honour to invite you to join the Campaign MAMA, TATA… & MYSELF? The promotion of Polish literature for children and youth living in Ireland.

In recent years the number of Poles in Ireland has risen considerably. Some brought their whole families with them. Polish children go to Irish schools, make friends with Irish children, however largely they can’t speak proper English at different levels yet. Their command of English isn’t good enough to allow them to read freely in this language. On the other hand they don’t have access to books written in Polish, as there are very few Polish children’s books in Irish libraries. There is a similar problem in the case of younger children, who are not reading on their own yet. Parents are trying to provide a good education, but at this stage, without access to books or outside help, it is extremely difficult. This generates a situation where children are not given a chance for normal development in their age group, which affects their self-esteem and creates problems at school etc. This may have a negative impact not only on themselves, but on their environment as well. Normal development of children and youth should be appropriately stimulated. One of the basic stimuli is books and the written word. Polish children need an opportunity for development adequate to their age, to be free from complexes and to have prospects for the future. We propose a series of varied actions of the Campaign MAMA, TATA… & MYSELF?

The three key points of the Campaign are:

  • Delivering books to Irish libraries and Polish libraries (i.e. in Polish schools) in Ireland
  • Organising events (workshops, meetings with writers, competitions, festivals)
  • Promotion (promoting among Polish communities all kinds of cultural and literary events organised in order to integrate Polish children and youths in Ireland).

The most important Polish institutions, connected with books or child culture have declared their participation and support for the Campaign. These institutions are: Book Institute, Polish Book Board, IBBY and leading Polish publishers and bookshops. The Campaign has been supported by The Polish Embassy in Dublin, as well as by Polish media in Poland and Ireland.

The project may significantly contribute to the community integration and assimilation of children and young Poles in Ireland. However, to make this happen there is a need for cooperation between Polish and Irish institutions. Therefore, we heartily invite you to join our cause. We deeply believe that together we could raise sensible, well-educated, and confident children.

One of the main goals of the MAMA, TATA… AND MYSELF? Campaign is to support your activities in Ireland and Britain. We invite the cooperation of teachers, instructors, school and nursery principals, as well as that of managers of any other Polish institutions which organize activities for children ans young people in Ireland and Britain. We encourage you to join us. We will keep you updated on the latest activities, possibilities of participation and on Campaign details.

We offer you books for children and young people which would add to your existing book collections workshops and activities dealing with children and young people literature with particular focus on the latest trends the possibility of publishing your materials (activities, scripts, essays, reviews etc.) help with realizing the most interesting initiatives publicity for your projects connected with promotion of reading in the Polish language in Ireland via our Campaign website and through the sponsor’s media outlets at choice.

To notify us of your interest or to ask us any questions related to the details of our offer please use the following address: czytampopolsku@gazeta.pl, in the subject box please enter the name of your institution and the name of your town.

Fundacja Akademia M?odych rozpocz??a kampani? „MAMA, TATA…& MYSELF?”

Jak pisz? pomys?odawcy: „Projekt MAMA, TATA & … MYSELF?” ma na celu promocj? czytelnictwa polskiej ksi??ki dla dzieci i m?odzie?y w?ród polskiej emigracji w Irlandii i Wielkiej Brytanii. Fundacja b?dzie organizowa? i koordynowa? warsztaty, spotkania i konkursy, zwi?zane z upowszechnianiem dzieci?cej i m?odzie?owej literatury polskiej oraz zaopatrywanie irlandzkich, brytyjskich i polonijnych bibliotek szkolnych i miejskich (tak?e w mniejszych miejscowo?ciach) w polskie ksi??ki i czasopisma dla dzieci i m?odzie?y. Pierwsze dzia?ania Projektu (VI-XII 2008) obejm? Irlandi?.”

O szczegó?ach ca?ej kampanii mo?ecie przeczyta? na www.czytampopolsku.pl
