Mosaic workshop with talented Ceramic Artist Orla Kaminska – Knight
Sunday 14th June 2-5 p.m.
A 12 inch decorative mosaic pieces will be made by each participant. Ceramics ,Decorative Glass, and Glass Beads will be used. This beautiful, individual and artistic work of art can be hung in the home or given as a personal gift. The workshop is for adults and teenagers.
Cost: Members E. 20. None members E.30 (Euro) All materials will be included in the cost. This workshop is subsidised by IPS
Venue: The Polish House; 20 Fitzwilliam Place.
Places are limited. For booking & enquires please ring Marysia on 087 6853452 by Friday 5th June 2009
Cheques are made payable to Irish Polish society. Please send your cheques to; Marysia Harasimowicz at 20 Fitzwilliam Place Dublin 2, please include your name, address, telephone number.
A note on the Artist Orla is a very successful Ceramic Artist who mainly works in Ireland. She has worked on commissions for private, corporate and public bodies, her clients have included; The Office of Public works, The Financial Service Centre, Dublin City Council etc. She has produced large scaled Sculptural Works ie Public seating Project “The Serpentine seat” which is in Dun Laoghaire Ferry Terminal and also a similar project at the entrance of Dundrum Shopping Centre. In her Studio in Ballsbridge she produces smaller personal Ceramic pieces which are free standing and wall hung decorative Ceramic plates. Towarzystwo Irlandzko-Polskie zaprasza na warsztaty ceramiki artystycznej.
W niedziel? 14 czerwca od godz.14 do 17
Dom Polski
Zaj?cia na poziomie pocz?tkuj?cym
Warsztaty b?dzie prowadzi? znana w Irlandii artystka sztuki ceramicznej – Orla Kaminska Knight.
Ka?dy uczestnik b?dzie mia? mo?liwo?? wykonania na miejscu p?ytki mozaikowej lub dekoracyjnego kafelka (o wymiarze oko?o 30 cm x 30 cm) wed?ug w?asnego projektu. Surowce, materia? dekoracyjny, szk?o mozaikowe itp. dostarczone b?dzie na miejscu. Trzeba b?dzie tylko przynie?? ze sob? fartuch (lub ubra? si? w stare ciuchy!).
Zaproszeni do udzia?u s? doro?li, m?odzie? i starsze dzieci (od 10 lat).
Koszt uczestnictwa: € 30, € 20 – dla cz?onków Towarzystwa Irlandzko-Polskiego
Warsztaty s? zorganizowane przy wsparciu finansowym Towarzystwa Irlandzko-Polskiego.
Ca?kowity koszt materia?u w cenie warsztatów.
Zg?oszenia: Marysia Harasimowicz tel: 087-6853452 Liczba miejsc ograniczona.