
Nowym ministrem integracji w Irlandii zosta? John Curran TD. Forum Polonia po jego wybraniu wys?a?o mu list gratulacyjny wyra?aj?c nadziej? na efektywn? prac? na rzecz Polaków w Irlandii oraz z organizacjami, mediami i osobami dzia?aj?cymi na rzecz integracji naszej spo?eczno?ci.

Tre?? listu poni?ej.

Dear Minister,

On behalf of the network of Polish organisations affiliated to Forum Polonia, we would like to convey our warmest congratulations and best wishes on your recent appointment by the Taoiseach as the new Minister of State at the Departments of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Education and Science, and Justice, Equality and Law Reform, with special responsibility for Integration and Community.

This we especially welcome as it opens up the potential for a much better targeted focus and integration in the delivery of a wide range of public services of special interest to our members.

We wish you every success in discharging these onerous responsibilities and you can be assured of our full support and co-operation in every way we can in tackling the many challenges we all face in the future.

We hope to meet with you at your earliest convenience and very much look forward to working closely and constructively with you on issues of interest and concern to us all.

Yours sincerely,

Forum Polonia
