Organizacja pozarzadowa The Migrant Rights Centre, wraz z SIPTU, wspieraja akcje protestacyjna pracownikow sektora hotelarskiego przeciw lamaniu praw pracowniczych oraz bezprawnego  obnizania placy pracownikom-imigrantom, argumentowanych obnizeniem placy minimalnej o 1 euro.

Wiecej informacji oraz kontakty – w dalszej, anglojezycznej czesci wpisu.

Wiecej o kampanii 'Fair Hotels’:

O opisywanym ponizej konflikcie, zakladajacym obnizenie plac migrantom, pracujacym w hotelu Davenport, czytaj tutaj:

MRCI supports brave action of hotel workers (18.02.2011)

The Migrant Rights Centre Ireland supports the action of the workers at the Davenport hotel who began a picket yesterday after being taken off the roster for refusing to sign new contracts reducing their minimum wage by almost €1 per hour.

Statement by Siobhan O’Donoghue, Director, Migrant Rights Centre Ireland:

“MRCI applauds and supports these brave women for taking a stand with their trade union SIPTU against this attack on their minimum wage not just for themselves but for all of the lowest paid workers, Irish and migrant alike, who are facing similar attacks on their wages by employers and the Government.”

“These pressure tactics of threats against workers, forcing them to take a cut in their minimum wage or face punishment, is happening across the country.  We hope that the actions of these women will inspire other workers to take similar stands to protect their wages and discourage employers from taking advantage of their workers in this way.”

“The public should steer away from hotels that take the low road like this.  MRCI is a proud supporter of the Fair Hotels Campaign, a campaign which encourages hotels to sign up and commit to providing decent and fair conditions for their workers including recognising the right of their workers to trade union representation. The MRCI only supports and uses these hotels and encourages the public to only be patrons to these hotels to ensure that workers receive fair treatment.”


Siobhan O’Donoghue – 087 6777 463

Bill Abom – 083 002 9859
