Niezalezni producenci radiowi poszukuja poetow, ktorzy chce wziac udzial w cyklu radiowym zatytulowanym 'Migrant Poetry Lives’, ktory bedzie zaprezentowany w NEAR FM.

Producenci pisza:”Is a series of programs where different poets will read their poetry and expose their lives to the listeners so they would be able to better understand their art. Using as an starting point the book published in autumn 20012, Embers of Words- An Irish Anthology of Migrant Poetry, we will visit the writers that were part of the anthology to have an opportunity to record their poetry in their own voices (or the voice of somebody personally chosen by them) while at the same time hear about their lives. The idea would be to focus each programme in one of the author’s life, work, family…”

Osoby zainteresowane moga sie kontaktowac z pomyslowadawcami: I. Irigoien 0868264070
