This European Migration Network (EMN) Ireland conference is an associated event of the Irish Presidency of the Council of the EU. It will explore and discuss how the economic crisis has affected immigrants, migratory flows and migration policies in Ireland, Europe and the wider international context. It will also consider how future developments may be shaped by such changes.

EMN Conference: „Migration During and After the Economic Crisis”
Venue: The Convention Centre, Dublin

Date: 14/06/2013
Time: 9:30 – 16:00

Conference Agenda

09:30 Refreshments / Registration

10:00 Welcome / Opening Address

Alan Barrett, EMN Ireland
10:10 ‘The Impact of the Great Recession on Migration Flows and Labour Market Outcomes of Immigrants in the OECD’:

Jean-Christophe Dumont, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
‘North-South Migration: An International Overview’:

Frank Laczko, International Organization for Migration
Q&A Discussion

11:15 Coffee

11:40 ‘Migration as an Adjustment Mechanism in a Crisis-Stricken Europe’:

Martin Kahanec, IZA
(Title to be confirmed):

Magnus Ovilius, Directorate-General Home Affairs, European Commission
Q&A Discussion

12:45 Lunch

14:00 ‘Ireland’s Recession and the Immigrant/Native Earnings Gap’:

Alan Barrett, EMN Ireland and Economic and Social Research Institute
‘Spain: From (massive) immigration to (vast) emigration?’:

Mario Izquierdo, Bank of Spain
‘International Migration in Lithuania: Trends and Challenges’

Audra Sipaviciene, International Organization for Migration, Lithuania
Q&A Discussion

15:30 Closing Remarks

Download full conference agenda below.


Please register on-line here by Friday 7 June 2013 at the latest.

For further information please email: or tel: +353/1/8632000.
