Przedsiebiorczosc Polakow (prosba o udzial w badaniu)
Osoby, prowadzace wlasna dzialalnosc gospodarcza w Irlandii, zapraszamy do udzialu w badaniu akademickim nt. etnicznej przedsiebiorczosci. Wiecej informacji w dalszej czesci postu (jez. angielski).
I am currently studying for my MSc International Business in DIT Aungier Street and i am wondering if you may be able to help me. As part of our course we have been given the task of researching and writing a thesis on a topic of our choice. My topic is on Immigrant entrepreneurship in Ireland. I see immigrant entrepreneurship as a very under-rated and often overlooked aspect of business in Ireland. I have been in contact with Tess from the Ireland Polish Business Association Dublin office and she recommended that i get in contact with you as you may be willing to help. My research question revolves around the area of understanding the influence of culture of origin on host country entrepreneurial success. As part of this i will be interviewing immigrant entrepreneurs who have arrived in ireland and i am wondering if you would be able to provide me with Polish immigrants who have set up businesses in Ireland take part in a short interview to explain the story of their entrepreneurial success in Ireland and the influence that their culture of origin had on this success. I would be highy appreciative if you are able to supply me with Polish entrepreneurs who may be willing to sit through a short interview in order to tell their story to me. My Mobile number is 085-1000-600. Thank you and i look forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind Regards
Andrew Mooney