List otwarty FORUM POLONIA, skierowany do redaktora naczelnego Irish Independent (włącz się do akcji!)
List otwarty FORUM POLONIA, skierowany do redaktora naczelnego Irish Independent w związku z publikacją artykułu z dn. 1 lutego. Zachęcamy inne organizacje polonijne do włączenia się do akcji i podjęcia reakcji wobec Redakcji oraz lokalnych polityków, którzy historię 'Magdy’ potraktowali jako argument dla wzniecania anty-polskich i ksenofobicznych komentarzy.
Cormac Bourke
The Editor Irish Independent
We are writing in relation to the article “Welcome to 'good life’ on welfare – how Polish waitress embraced La Dole -ce Vita” published both in the print and online versions of your newspaper on 1st February.
We wish to express our deep concern over the alarming number of inaccuracies between the article in your newspaper and the original article published in the Polish newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza on 2nd of January, on which the article in the Irish Independent was based. Many quotations cited in the article and many of the facts are totally at odds with the interview discussed in Gazeta Wyborcza. These errors in translation have led to the creation of the sensational character of the Polish worker “Magda” who, apparently, abuses and takes advantage of the Irish social welfare system. It is very worrying that one of the biggest Irish daily newspapers can publish such a blatantly inaccurate and under-researched article.
This gross misrepresentation of the facts of the case has the potential to greatly damage the reputation of the Polish community in Ireland. We feel that, particularly now, during these harsh economic times, those in positions of responsibility, such as journalists and editors of publications like the Irish Independent, need to take great care when researching the facts of any story before sanctioning it for print and widespread distribution. It is well documented that, in times of crisis, members of a society can be easily moved to find someone to blame for their difficulties and frustrations
We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the publication in today’s edition (Feb. 2nd) of the Irish Independent the Polish Ambassador’s letter as well as a (partial but) correct translation of the original Gazeta Wyborcza article. We hope that, in future, the editorial board of the Irish Independent will be a little more careful in what it sanctions for publication, particularly in cases where the material has the dangerous potential to heighten tensions between the majority and minority members of the society it purports to serve.
Yours sincerely,
On behalf of Forum Polonia
Barnaba Filip Dorda
member of Forum Polonia Steering Committee