Bezpłatne warsztaty dla Polaków poszukujących pracy.

Christmas Carols with Polish Oplatek
The Irish Polish Society would like to wish
all their Members and Friends a very Happy Christmas.
The traditional Christmas celebration organised by IPS will take place:
On Sunday, 16th December, at 5 pm
in the Polish House: 20 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2
Join in to listen to festive music and try tasty festive food!
Everyone is welcome!!
Admission: Members 2 euro
Non Members 5 euro
Children Free

UCD plugs the languages gap
A conference supporting multilingual learners and literacy will take place at UCD on November 24th and 25th, 2012. The conference is organised by UCD and the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Dublin.
This is the second annual conference of the network of Polish schools, Ireland’s biggest network of migrant-led schools.
At a time when the Department of Education and Skills in Ireland is striving to improve and increase literacy levels, all schools which support and develop the multilingual skills of their students play a vital role in this work. Among these are the growing number of migrant-led schools in Ireland as well as the many mainstream Irish schools which provide non-curricular language classes on their own initiative.
Census 2011 is testament to the huge diversity of languages spoken in Ireland: almost 10% of the population said they spoke a language at home other than English or Irish. From an economic viewpoint, there is a demonstrable need to maintain and increase this multilingualism in Ireland. Government needs to invest more in supporting and encouraging language learning from a young age.
As the first academic institution in Ireland to provide such a level of support for migrant education and integration, this conference is a demonstration of UCD’s leadership in this area and its ongoing investment in education.
Over 90 delegates are expected to attend. These include representatives from all the Polish schools in Ireland as well as the principals of the various Irish schools which already teach many different languages, e.g., Polish, Arabic, Japanese, etc.
An important discussion point will be the proposed Junior Certificate reform and the introduction of languages, such as Polish, at Junior Cert. level.
Among the speakers and experts who will attend the conference are Prof. Bairbre Redmond (UCD) who will open the conference, Prof. Sarah Smyth (Trinity College, Dublin), Prof. Hans Luschützky (University of Vienna, Austria) and Dr Agnieszka Rabiej (Jagiellonian University, Poland).
For more information contact:
Name: Niamh Nestor
Tel.: 086 3961430
Email: niamh.nestor@ucdconnect.ie, niamh.nestor@gmail.com

The Children’s Rights Workshops
The Children’s Rights workshops are an exploration of democracy and tolerance which will help children develop civic participation and social responsibility.
The participants take part drama activities and learn about main principles of tolerance and justice established by Polish-Jewish children’s author and educator Janusz Korczak, whose legacy became one of the inspirations behind the 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Korczak was one of the first children’s rights advocates. He ran a democratic orphanage, set-up the first national children’s newspaper and campaigned for children’s rights.
The workshop is created and will be performed by Janusz Flakus, a workshop facilitator and theatre maker currently based in Cork. Janusz holds a BA in Drama and Theatre Studies and German (University College Cork) and FETAC Certificate in Theatre Performance (Coláiste Stiofáin Naofa).
The exhibition “Champion of the Child: Janusz Korczak” will be displayed in the Central Library from 14th 31st October. It is organized with the help of the Polish Irish Society.
The project is developed and funded by the Polish Embassy in Dublin.
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)
The rights of the child, as stated in the UN Convention, are one of the most important factors in early childhood education. The Convention is aimed at the child, as an individual, and includes all categories of human rights: civil, political, economic, social and cultural.The idea that the rights of the child are an aspect of democratic values can be traced back to the effects of war, and to pedagogical ideas about education. Janusz Korczak showed that wars and miserable social conditions tended to have an especially damaging effect on children. His ideas of the right of the child to love and respect have had a great influence on both educational and legal issues.
Janusz Korczak Biographical Note:
Dr. Janusz Korczak, a prominent Polish-Jewish pedagogue and paediatrician, refused during what is known as the Warsaw Ghetto operation in 1942, to abandon the children of the orphanage he worked in. Instead, he accompanied the children to the Nazi extermination camp at Treblinka. Dignity of the child, children’s rights and children’s citizenship underlined the thinking of Janusz Korczak. This has become an important contribution to the Convention on the Rights of the Child proposed by Poland and adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on November 20, 1989.