Z Cairde zdrowie po polsku

P1010031Organizacja zdrowia Cairde udziela informacji i pomocy w jezyku polskim 

Cairde jest organizacja wspierajaca rozwój spo?eczno?ci lokalnych. Jej celem jest wyrownywanie nierówno?ci w zakresie zdrowia mniejszo?ci etnicznych, m.in. Polakow poprzez popraw? dost?pu osob z mniejszosci do us?ug zdrowotnych oraz angazowanie nas w planowanie sposobu w jaki dziala publiczna sluzba zdrowia w Irlandii.

Kluczowe obszary dzia?ania Cairde’s to:

– Informacja i mediacja – w celu zapewnienie swiadczenia rzetelej i odpowiedniej kulturowo informacji nt. opieki zdrowotnej i zapewnienia dost?pu do  podstawowych us?ug zdrowotnych
– Poprawa dzialania systemu zdrowia w Irlandii poprzez wsparcie udzialu mniejszo?ci etnicznych w planowaniu i swiadczeniu podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej.
– Planowanie –  wp?yw na rozwój podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej poprzez badania, zbieranie danych, wnioskowanie o zmiane ustwodastwa i udzia? w kluczowych strukturach.

Cairde obecnie realizuje nastepujace programy:
     * Health Information & Advocacy Centre (HIAC) – Centrum Informacji i Poradnictwa w zakresie zdrowia
     * Ethnic Minority Health Forum – Forum zdrowia mniejszosci etnicznych
     * Women’s Health Action – Zdrowie Kobiet

Centrum informacji i poradnictwa w zakresie zdrowia.  W centrum Cairde:

Ø      Dowiesz si? jak dzia?a irlandzka s?u?ba zdrowia, na przyk?ad lekarze pierwszego kontaktu (GP), szpitale, us?ugi macierzy?skie

Ø      Zdob?dziesz informacj? na temat swoich praw i przys?uguj?cych ci us?ug zdrowotnych

Ø      Mo?esz uzyska? informacj? o wszelkich sprawach dotycz?cych zdrowia

Ø      Je?li napotkasz problemy, mo?esz liczy? na wsparcie i pomoc, na przyk?ad w uzyskaniu karty medycznej (‘medical card’).

 Wszystkie udzielane us?ugi s? darmowe i poufne

Wiecej: www.cairde.ie
Informacje nt. zdrowia i dostepu do sluzby zdrowia: www. healthfacts.ie


19 Belvedere Place, Dublin 1

Biuro czynne 10.00am to 5.00pm.

Telefon:01 855 2111

Email: healthworker1@cairde.ie

 Ewa Lasota, health worker

Czesc Polakow ma bardzo mala wiedze ogolna nt. pomocy socjalnej i sluzby zdrowia w Irlandii. Przychodza i mowia, ‘bo znajomy powiedzial, ze moge dostac… Sa tez ososby, ktore doskonale znaja swoje prawa. Pomoc jaka w Cairde najczesciej udzialamy Polakom dotyczy zasilkow dla bezrobotnych, dodatku dla dzieci oraz karty medycznej.

 Emilia Marchelewska, Health Advocacy Officer

W Cairde pracujemy w oparciu o spoleczny model zdrowia, wedlug ktorego na zdrowie jednostki maja wplyw czynniki tj. warunki mieszkaniowe, zatrudnienie czy sytacja rodzinna. W centrum pomagamy osobom indywidualnym udzielajac informacji, prowadzac mediacje. Pracujemy takze z HSE, szpitalami oraz organizacjami z sektora pozarzadowego, aby poprawic dostep imigrantow do sluzby zdrowia i jakosc korzytsania z niej. Organizujemy rowniez sesje informacyjne I warszaty.”


Transnational Health Practices at DCUNowy kurs doktorancki na DCU

PhD grant for research on “Transnational Health Practices in an
Enlarged Europe” *

Given the increasing salience of East-West migration following the last
two waves of European integration, we are currently developing a new
research programme on “Transnational Health Practices in an Enlarged
Europe”. The project will try to asses the transnational dimension of
the current health seeking practices of Eastern European immigrants in
Ireland. It will highlight practices which lead migrants out of the
health services of the host country and into their transnational
families, networks, communities, as well as the health services of their
country of origin.

We are looking for a PhD student willing to conduct doctoral research
under the umbrella of our research programme. We are currently
developing research on Romanian migrants in Ireland and are seeking a
researcher able to engage in the study of one of the other Easter
European migrant groups relevant to Ireland (Polish, Estonian,
Lithuanian, Latvian, etc.).

The successful candidate will have the following qualifications:

– MA in Social Sciences (especially Sociology or Anthropology) or
– Knowledge of a relevant Eastern European language (Polish, Estonian,
Lithuanian, Latvian, etc.)

The researcher will be registered as a full-time PhD student at DCU and
will conduct fieldwork in the relevant Eastern European country during
the second year of the PhD. The PhD will be conducted under the
supervision of Dr. Sabina Stan, Anthropologist and Lecturer in Sociology
at the School of Nursing in DCU.

The successful candidate will receive a grant of 34.000 euros. The
student will be supported in applying for tuition fees remission, as
well as for additional funding at relevant funding bodies (SoN, DCU,
RIA, IRCHSS, HRB, etc.).

Interested candidates should send a letter of intent, a CV, two
reference letters and a 500 word research proposal to

Dr. Sabina Stan
School of Nursing
Dublin City University
Dublin 9, Ireland
For further information please contact Dr. Stan at
email: sabina.stan@dcu.ie
Telephone: 353-1-700-6101



DCUPhD grant for research on “Transnational Health Practices in an
Enlarged Europe” *

Given the increasing salience of East-West migration following the last
two waves of European integration, we are currently developing a new
research programme on “Transnational Health Practices in an Enlarged
Europe”. The project will try to asses the transnational dimension of
the current health seeking practices of Eastern European immigrants in
Ireland. It will highlight practices which lead migrants out of the
health services of the host country and into their transnational
families, networks, communities, as well as the health services of their country of origin.

We are looking for a PhD student willing to conduct doctoral research under the umbrella of our research programme. We are currently developing research on Romanian migrants in Ireland and are seeking a researcher able to engage in the study of one of the other Easter European migrant groups relevant to Ireland (Polish, Estonian, Lithuanian, Latvian, etc.).

The successful candidate will have the following qualifications:

– MA in Social Sciences (especially Sociology or Anthropology) or equivalent
– Knowledge of a relevant Eastern European language (Polish, Estonian, Lithuanian, Latvian, etc.)

The researcher will be registered as a full-time PhD student at DCU and will conduct fieldwork in the relevant Eastern European country during the second year of the PhD. The PhD will be conducted under the supervision of Dr. Sabina Stan, Anthropologist and Lecturer in Sociology at the School of Nursing in DCU.

The successful candidate will receive a grant of 34.000 euros. The student will be supported in applying for tuition fees remission, as well as for additional funding at relevant funding bodies (SoN, DCU, RIA, IRCHSS, HRB, etc.).

Interested candidates should send a letter of intent, a CV, two reference letters and a 500 word research proposal to

Dr. Sabina Stan
School of Nursing
Dublin City University
Dublin 9, Ireland
For further information please contact Dr. Stan at
email: sabina.stan@dcu.ie

Telephone: 353-1-700-6101


Your health is Your wealth

To mark 20th anniversary World Aids Day on 1st of December 2008, Cairde’s health promotions students would like to take this opportunity to invite you to participate on a

Sexual Health Promotion Workshop

The workshop will explore sexual ill health and identify best practice in promoting sexual health in our communities.

Date: 1st December
Venue: Cairde
Time: 10:30am – 2:00pm.

Lunch will be provided. Bring a friend along!

For any information please contact Sarah Duku @ 01 8552111 or 087 28299157
