Forumowicze w Global Village

Forumowicze w Global VillageW ostatni pi?tek 1. maj 2009 roku osoby zwi?zane z Forum Polonia mia?y okazj? wyst?pi? na falach radia NewsTalk w programie Global Village.

Uczestnicy: Emilia Marchelewska (FP), Beata Molendowska (MyCork), Niamh Nestor (FP), Magdalena Tylek (Threshold), Barnaga Dorda (Siptu) i Sebastian Widel (IPS) rozmawiali o emigracji, o polonii w Irlandii oraz o trwaj?cych oraz nadchodz?cych wydarzeniach kulturalnych.

Zapraszamy do wys?uchania audycji bezpo?rednio na stronie lub do pobrania pliku do w?asnego odtwarzacza (czas trwania: 43min, format: mp3, rozmiar pliku: 31MB).

[pro-player type=”mp3″ height=”20″ width=”605″][/pro-player]


[lang_en]Workshop for immigrants about local community radio[/lang_en][lang_pl]Warsztaty dla radiowców[/lang_pl]

Ignaki Irigoien is organizing a workshop on behalf of the (radio section) of the Community Media Forum which is part of the Dublin Community Forum.

The workshop will be directed at immigrants involved in the different Dublin community radio stations, and those immigrants who want to get involved in community radio.

The Agenda proposed for this meeting would be:

  • Introduction
  • How to get involved
  • Learning from each other
  • Getting your programme played citywide
  • A temporary multi-multicultural licence

We are hoping to organize the workshop on a Saturday morning (lunch provided) probably at the end of the moth of November, 29th.

If you, or someone from your organization is interested in attending this workshop, please contact me at your earliest convenience to confirm your interest. There will be no charge for attending this workshop.

Contact: Ignaki Irigoien
Mobile: 0868264070
